Little Ease

  1. Little Ease Dungeon
  2. Little Ease Torture
  3. Cell Of Little Ease
  4. Little Caesars Menu
  • Little Ease was a prison cell located beneath the White Tower in the Tower of London.
  • Little Ease Once called the Evel Knievel of dance, Elizabeth Streb creates choreography which she calls “POPACTION,” intertwining the disciplines of dance, athletics, boxing, rodeo, the circus, and Hollywood stunt-work. The result is a bristling, muscle-and-motion.

The Cell of ‘Little Ease’ Filed under: Sailing — admin @ 3:00 pm Long ago, at primary school, we learned of Guy Fawkes being imprisoned in the cell of ‘Little Ease’ (which I recall first hearing as the cell of little ‘e’s!) a space too small to stand, lie down or even sit comfortably.


  • 1historical A place or bodily position that is very uncomfortable to be held in; a narrow place of confinement; a prison cell too small for the occupant to assume a comfortable position; specifically the name of a dungeon in the Tower of London, and of an ancient place of punishment for unruly apprentices at the Guildhall, London. Also: a device for holding a prisoner in a very uncomfortable position.


Early 16th century; earliest use found in John Skelton (c1460–1529), poet. From little + ease.

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2Cor. 3.6 He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant—not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

In the basement of the Tower of London (the White Tower) is a curious sight. A 4 x 4 x 4 room. The story with this room is that in the day of Bloody Mary, this room would be used solitary confinement to torture prisoners. The size is significant. Because of its size, a prisoner unlucky enough to be put in Little Ease was left to crouch until let out again, sometimes for weeks. Constrained, uncomfortable and confined. It was called the Dungeon of ‘Little Ease.’

Paul writes to the Corinthian Church during a turbulent time in its life. Believers were becoming arrogant or self-confident. So much so that Paul asks them, “do we need, like some people, letters of recommendation…from you?” They thought they had become competent in themselves, especially in matters pertaining to God and the practice of the Christian life. They could handle it now or should be able to and had lost sight of their dependence on God in all things. They had begun to lean on their own competencies and spiritual intellect and sensibilities. Paul writes to remind them that life lived outside of complete dependence on God, failure to recognize and accept our own incompetencies and weakness, especially in things pertaining to God, is no different than confinement in the Dungeon of Little Ease.

Little Ease Dungeon

It is so easy to fall into the trap everyday that we ‘should’ be able to handle it, and to expect and lean on ‘competencies.’ The world promotes this mentality. But the Scriptures tell us that the path to freedom and joy is found in a contrary path….the path of weakness.

Paul says, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me (2Co 12:9).”

Little Ease Torture

Little ease tavern franklinville

Cell Of Little Ease


Little Caesars Menu

1. How are you leaning on Him for your daily strength or do you find your strength in what you think are your competencies?