Meredith Belbin Questionnaire

This Team Role test will measure your aptitude for different team behaviors. Team Roles modelling is one of the most widely used measures in organizational psychology and are frequently used in corporations and educational settings, including higher education. The Belbin ® Team Roles (Team Types) Questionnaire is widely used today to help increase the ultimate performance of teams. It is based on extensive research undertaken by Dr. Meredith Belbin. During this research, it became evident that teams comprising a balance of mixed team roles outperform teams without this balance. To use Belbin, it starts with a personal behavioural on-line Inventory, which results in a team overview identifying who plays which Team Roles in a team. Dr Meredith elbin defined a Team Role as: ^a tendency to behave, contribute and interrelate with others in a particular way. A Team Role tells you how team members behave when working in a team. Belbin Team Roles Model Background Information. When Dr Meredith Belbin decided to investigate the way teams of executives tackled a team-oriented task at the Henley Management College in the 1960s, it is unlikely he expected the results to still be used all over the world 50 years later. These materials may be reproduced and used by Belbin Users providing that all Belbin copyright and trademark acknowledgments remain in place. For help and advice on how to use Belbin: P hone: 1300 731 381 (Australia Wide) Email: WARNING: Please beware of illegal free and / or self scored tests that claim to be 'Belbin'.

In 1969 Dr Meredith Belbin began a 9 year study of team behaviour at Henley Management College. The results of this study showed that the most successful teams were made up of a diverse mix of behaviours.

Dr Belbin and his team discovered that there are nine clusters of behaviour - these were called 'Team Roles'.

Each Team Role has its strengths and weaknesses, and each has equal importance. Most people will have two or three Team Roles that they are most comfortable with, and this can change over time. Team Roles are not about putting people into boxes.

Belbin GetSet helps young people to find out their Team Role preferences. By completing an online questionnaire they are given a report in a workbook where they find information about their Team Role preferences and associated strengths.

The 9 Team Roles:

Understanding the Team Role preferences of individuals has many benefits, these include:

  • Increased self-awareness
  • Improved team working
  • Understanding the strengths of others
  • Improved communication skills
  • Improved interview skills
  • Improved confidence

Belbin GetSet can help students from the age of 14-19 and is already used in schools, colleges and universities throughout the UK.

If you would like to find out more about Belbin GetSet get in touch with the team on +44 (1223) 264975 or email

Meredith Belbin Questionnaire Questions

1. Email Invitation

Each participant is sent an e-mail with a link to complete their questionnaire. We’ll set you up with everything you need to do this.

Dr meredith belbin

2. Complete the questionnaire online

The questionnaire takes around 20 minutes to complete and asks the individual to answer questions on how they tend to behave in certain situations.

3. Request feedback from others

Meredith Belbin Questionnaire Template

Upon completion of the questionnaire, individuals are asked to invite up to 6 friends who know them well to complete a quick 5-minute questionnaire about them.

4. Receive the report

The reports can be e-mailed directly to the participant, to you, or both. The report comes in a workbook, giving detailed personal guidance and advice based on the individual’s Team Role behaviours.

5. Complete the workbook

The workbook guides the individual through the report, helping them reflect on the information contained within it, and compile a personal statement at the end.

6. Lesson plans and slides

Belbin Team Role Questionnaire

Use our comprehensive lesson plans and slides as part of your own Belbin GetSet session, to enhance and embed learning and development, or let the Belbin team run it for you!